
External mailboxes for coastal environments

With over 15 years experience in the letterbox industry, we know that certain postboxes lend themselves better to certain environments. Post Boxes UK prides itself in offering a wide range of units for a wide range of external applications. We understand that for a high risk city centre environment, a more robust postbox solution may

Mailboxes Made in England

Historically, mailboxes have been the domain of the Europeans, in particular Germany. This is no surprise since virtually every home in Europe has a letter box or mailbox either at the end of their driveway or in the entrance lobby to their apartment block. Subsequently, virtually every European country has at least one mailbox manufacturer.


Keyless Mailbox Systems: What you should know.

Over the past ten years, there has been a steady rise of keyless door entry systems incorporated into blocks of flats and apartments. Advances in technology has seen a variety of ingenious touchpads, keypads and key fob entry systems being used by developers to ensure the safety of residents and to keep apartment blocks secure.